What did you there?
"Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?""I've been up to London to visit the Queen."
"Pussycat pussycat, what did you dare?"
"I frightened a little mouse under her chair"
OK, I admit it, I’m super slow. Yeah, I know that’s not a huge revelation. I was over 45 before I realized that was more than a cute little children’s poem. Here is this cat who made it all the way to the Palace with all it’s grandeur and instead of being in awe of the Queen and the spectacle all he saw as a mouse! Many lessons here:
- Missing the beauty of life by focusing on the wrong things.
- Seeing only what we like (cats like mice) and missing so much more.
- Only seeing what is on “our level” and never looking up.
- Little people see little things and accomplish only little things.
Yesterday was a neat day. I got to make a trip to the state capital and speak at a devotional that involves some of the people from the Department of State. I highly respect my friend Andrew Dodd who after finishing law school at St. John’s has begun working in the State Department. He’s young but it was neat to see him leading and to see the respect those around him have. Among the participants was Tre Hargett, the Secretary of State. There was a feeling of humble power in that room. From there I scurried over to speak at World Christian Broadcasting. The men and women assembled around that room literally speak to and teach the world every day! You name the country and someone in there can tell you a story of contact or conversion. Two completely different setting but two groups of powerful influencers.
What a job I have. The following is not “vain pity”: I know I don’t have much to offer, I’ve never claimed to be anywhere near the top of preachers. I feel more like Paul expressed: if I’m chief of anything it’s of sinners (1Ti 1:15). I’m weak (2Co 12:10)! I am shocked when someone opposes those trying to be God's person. Frankly I don’t know how some people think their preacher believes himself to “be something” (Gal 6:3) - most of us feel pretty inadequate standing before with the burden - “preach”. So, I do my little bit...but God turns it into much more. I cherish the old saying “little is much if God is in it.”He will do more than I ever dreamt with my faltering abilities. And He will with you to. What will you allow Him to do with your life today?
Back to the point. As I drove back to my lovely Spring Hill tears filled my eyes. I am blessed, I have been given so many opportunities much bigger than I deserve. I got to “appear before” the powerful and influential yesterday. What did I say? Did I say anything that encouraged the faith of these folks in the marketplace? Did I say anything that challenged them to make the most of the position and place they occupy? Did I preach the Word to them? Did I try to help them apply it to their “little” corner of the world? “What did you there?”
May I ask you to pray today? For me...for your preacher who will stand before others...I assure you he needs those prayers. May I ask you to encourage him and support him in becoming better and more for the Lord - that is his heart.