Books, Books, & More Books

One of the most significant mentors in my life has been brother Winford Claiborne. During our years at Freed Hardeman it was a great privilege to sit in a number of his classes. One of the most important classes he taught was a class dealing with Contemporary Concerns. It was a required course for all Bible majors. What stands out in my mind about brother Claiborne’s classes was the number of books he cited in his lectures. I had never heard anyone, nor have I to this day, learned of anyone who read more and who knew more about books than brother Claiborne. He held us spell bound. He also instilled in many of us a greater desire to read more.

My personal relationship with brother Claiborne was more than just a professor/student relationship. He became a confident, an advisor, and a very dear trusted friend. He and his beloved late wife Molly had us in their home on several occasions. He did the pre-marriage counseling for Laura and me. He has spent time in our home a number of times through the years.

One of my most vivid memories is the first time brother and sister Claiborne spent a week with us while he was preaching in our local Gospel meeting. He brought a suitcase full of books. He had a stack of books beside the chair he occupied that week.

He explained to me his method for reading. He did not read one book at a time. He read several books at once. He would read a chapter or a few pages from one book, then do the same in another, and another. He encouraged me to give it a try. For the past thirty years now that has been my habit. I will forever be in debt to my teacher, mentor, and much loved friend, Winford Claiborne.

Books are one of the great tools that preachers possess. If we want to be well-rounded, at our best, and provide balance in our preaching we need to read. I want to share with you a couple of new books that would be worth your time.

The Epic of God CoverMy “adopted” son MIchael Whitworth has written a study guide to the Book of Genesis. This outstanding book, “The Epic of God,” is one of the finest books on Genesis you will ever read. It is well written, easy to read, insightful, and helpful. It will thrill you to use this guide as you study the Great book of Beginnings.

Through the company he established, “Start2Finish,” Michael is involved in a campaign to let others learn about his writing. He is giving away a free copy of each book he writes for one person who enters the drawing. You can learn more about it here:


Another excellent new book that I would like to tell you about has been published by my friend Andy Warren. Andy has preached for the Lake Dallas congregation for ten years, however he and his wife are moving to work with the Children’s Home in Paragould.

The Love God Way CoverAndy’s book is “The Love God W.A.Y.” It is a very encouraging book that would be a blessing to every Christian. If you would like to purchase a copy, please, use one of these methods:

You can go through Andy’s website, which is the preferred way to order:

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