"Fall"ing Scoops
There are several falling scoops this morning. WV: The church in Chester, WV will be looking for a preacher. This is where brother Frank Higginbotham preached for 50 years. They are currently about 150 in attendance. Chester has five elders and three deacons. Chester, WV is the most northern city in WV and is located about 30 miles north of Pittsburgh, PA. To learn more go to www.chestercoc.org. Or mail: Chester Church of Christ, 201 Virginia Avenue, Chester, WV 26034.
TN: Jeff Archey scoops the Willette church. They are searching for a preacher to work part time in our local prison ministry. A house and small salary can be provided. Please contact Joe Lynn at 615-699-4342.
TN/TX: Cory Waddell will be the pulpit minister at Highland Heights in Lebanon TN. He starts in December - from Philip Randolph. He is moving from the Woodland Oaks congregation in Houston, TX where he was YM. You can learn more about Woodlands at www.woodlandoaks.org/
OH: Jason Ridgeway sends the info on a church in Waverly Ohio. They are looking for a minister. They run about 60 in attendance and have no elders. Contact: Canal Church of Christ 122 E North St Waverly, Ohio 45690. Or call Dave Uhrig at (740) 804-7718.
TN: The Lebanon Road congregation has hired a new youth minister. Andrew Pate will begin working there on January 8. The current youth minister, JD Buckner, will be transitioning to a new role in the congregation, serving as Minister of Growth and Education. Thanks to minister there, Adam Faughn for this scoop.
TN: The Central church of Christ, 200 25th St., NW, Cleveland, TN, 37311 is looking for a new pulpit minister. Sunday morning attendance 275-300. Three elders, eleven deacons, youth minister. The qualifications they list include: ß Bachelor’s degree or completion of a recognized preacher training school. ß Established family with children. ß The ability to effectively preach the lasting, fundamental truth of God’s word with the ability to motivate Christians to meet the challenges of a fast changing world. ß A demonstrated ability to work with members of all ages. An on-site, single-family residence can be considered as part of the compensation package. E-mail resumes along with references and desired salary range to admin@centralcocfamily.com or mail to 200 25th Street, Cleveland, TN 37312, Attention: Elders. Website: centralcocfamily.com. Position will remain open until filled.
TX: This one is a little different. Truth for Today World Mission School is seeking a full-time web developer to maintain an online Bible school website. For more information visit www.biblecourses.com. Applicants should be capable of working with HTML, Javascript, and Python on Linux. Experience with the Django framework is preferred, as well as experience with online educational and testing platforms. Send your résumé to staff@biblecourses.com and include the name of this website in your email.
TX: Here's a scoop from Beaumont Texas. The Westgate church of Christ is looking for a youth minister. He will also need to have a talent for song leading. The congregation has a youth group of 25 middle and high schoolers. The average Sunday morning attendance is 160. They have four elders and five deacons. If you are interested contact Tony Williams the preacher there at westgatepreacher@gmail.com.
AL/AZ: Tim Gunnells will be going to Amridge in Montgomery, AL to work in alumni relations and church relations. He is leaving the Canyon church in Pheonix. They have already hired.
KY: Tompkinsville, KY. Looking for a pulpit man. I've preached there several times and know them to be good folks. The contact I have for them is: (270) 487-8366.
That's what we have. Let us know of any additions/corrections at TheJenkinsInstitute@gmail.com