Willing, humble, hearts

The role of preacher’s wife comes with many stressors. These stressors can oftentimes become our focus. They become the lens through which we see everything else. In these times, I find it helpful to look to wonderful examples of biblical servants, like Mary.

We don’t read much about Mary, the mother of Jesus, but the verses that we read show us her beautiful servant heart. When Gabriel came to Mary to tell her she would be the mother of the Savior, her reply was “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). Wow! Her entire world was about to change. She was going to have to tell everyone she was pregnant. So many thoughts must have been racing through her mind, but her reply was “I am a servant.” 

We see a glimpse of her heart a couple more times in scripture. After the shepherds visit, the Bible tells us “Mary treasured up these things in her heart.” Mary knew that God was using her in a special way. This same saying is used again in Luke 2 as Mary and Joseph leave the temple with Jesus after an exhausting search. Mary didn’t understand Jesus’s response to her in the temple, but the Bible says, “his mother treasured up these things in her heart.” She was confused, exhausted and emotionally drained after days of searching, but she had seen Jesus in the temple, and it must have been a special scene. She knew she was being used in a very special way as the mother of the Savior.

While our calling may feel a bit more mundane, we have been placed in a special role. We can have great influence on our church families as we serve. Our glass walls seem much too transparent at times, but when we serve with willing, humble hearts, others see us and God is glorified by our example. When times of discouragement come, we can remember how God is using us and “treasure these things in our hearts.” 

I am a servant of the Lord, let it be to me according to Your will…

  • Lindsey Harris,

  • lins.harris4@gmail.com

  • Lewisville, TX
