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The Preacher’s Wife

She has no defined biblical role, but the expectations of her are many. She receives no salary, but she better be prepared to work for the congregation. She doesn’t get the accolades as he stands in the back after a lesson, but she does hear the complaints. She doesn’t have a job description, a written one anyway. She isn’t required to have a degree, but she better be able to counsel. She is the superwoman of the congregation! Hearing with compassionate ears, bearing the secrets her husband unloads on her, juggling more events/showers/dinners than any man could handle. Her soup and casseroles seem to have some special healing power! She is her husband’s number one confident and most significant encourager. She is The Preacher’s Wife!

We (Jeff and Dale), have spent the better part of the last 10 years trying to encourage ministers. About eight years ago we started writing a weekly post called “Don’t Quit” or “For Your Monday,” as a resource to encourage preachers to not throw in the towel when the going gets rough (or when you “have a Monday”). A few months back we were visiting with some preacher we invited to a retreat and they said one of the best things The Jenkins Institute could add that would help ministers was something to help their wives. There are not, they told us, many good encouraging resources for them. Well, while we have between us over 80 years of marriage experience, neither of us have ever been (or will ever be) a preacher’s wife. But we have assembled a team of some minister’s wives that are excellent writers and who do understand the unique struggles and pressures you deal with and beginning next week we will present “Don’t Lose Heart,” a tool to encourage preacher’s wives. We have some other things planned to correspond and aid you as well. If you would like to receive these resources, free of charge, send us your name and current congregation and we will add you in.

Know that we love you and pray for you often. Let us know how we can help!
