What's It Like To Be The Preacher's Wife?

You may be like me and get asked the question, “So, what’s it like to be the preacher’s wife???”


And while there are varying responses that could go through my mind depending on what has happened recently…. a discouraging elders meeting, sadness of a member who has chosen to walk away, frustration at empathy, overwhelmed by opportunities to serve, gratefulness for all the good things happening, etc. etc. etc…my usual response is, “I love it!”


Not because I love it all the time. Some times are hard. But isn’t that true with anything? Think about the wife of a doctor…couldn’t she say respond with, “It’s great having such a large paycheck,” or “It’s hard with him working so many hours and holidays.” What about the wife of a police officer… “It’s great that my husband chooses to protect our town and make me feel safe,” or “It’s hard with the uncertainty that his job brings.” The list could go on. 


No matter the person or the job, everyone will go through low moments. But in those discouraging moments, it does so much good to dwell on the many good things that come from being a preacher’s wife! 


I love being a preacher’s wife because Austin Johnson is my favorite person in the entire world, and he’s a preacher…thus I love being a preacher’s wife!

I love being a preacher’s wife because I get to witness the beauty of God’s family!

I love being a preacher’s wife because I have an opportunity to be in the lives of people as they come to know Christ more fully!

I love being a preacher’s wife because I see people rejoicing in the freedom they gain in letting go of their sin!

I love being a preacher’s wife because I get a front row seat to the highest of highs in people’s lives!


2 Corinthians 4:17-18, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”


So, what’s it like to be a preacher’s wife? I count it as one of my highest blessings!

  • Breanna Johnson, Florence, AL
