See As He Sees

Often times when I give my children a task of cleaning, a couple of them especially hear me say, “I need you to see things the way I see them. What I am referring to is that when I commission them to clean,  I want it to be up to my standards,  “See the mess as I see it”.

This makes me think of how we are to see things from our Father’s spiritual perspective. Obviously, there is no way we will ever be able to have His omniscient vision, but think about how our day would change if we were to 

See as the Father Sees…

I would not be satisfied with “a little sin” over here or a life stained with “a little” hypocrisy. (Mark 7:6-8)

I would regard others without partiality and desire that everyone I come in contact with become a part of God’s family. (1 Tim. 2:4, James 2:1)

I would see myself as one made in His image and be thankful for the unique talents and abilities He has given to me. (Rom. 8:29)

I would remember that my children are a gift from Him; and with more intentionality would soak in the times He blesses me with them. (Psalm 127:3-5)

I would see sin for what it is- a choice resulting from selfishness and separating me from my Father. (James 1:14-15)

These are just a few examples that open the door to a perspective that differs from our own. May we be challenged to daily see as our Father sees.

Kristi Burleson

Henderson, TN
