
A couple of weeks ago, Bill and I were on our way to Henderson to visit my mother.  When we travel we talk.  We talk about everything.   We also enjoy reading the “crazy” bumper stickers we pass.  One little green car had the strangest bumper sticker.  It read, “igbok.”  That’s all it said, or at least all we could see.  We made several guesses as to what it could mean and then googled it.

 In 2008, two friends coined the phrase, “igobk.”  It was meant to be an encouragement to each other.  It was to encouragement in times of trouble, sadness, or any event. 


Igbok stands for “It’s gonna be OK.”


We have a Father who cares for us, loves us, forgives us, comforts us, and encourages us.  He’s always there.  He’s always in control.  He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  Hebrews 13:5.


As Christians, we know that everything is going to be OK because God has made us a promise:

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28.


What is troubling or worrying you today?  It’s gonna be OK because God’s got this!


What deadlines seem impossible?   It’s gonna be OK because God’s got this!


What person is trying to harm you?  It’s gonna be OK because God’s got this!


What children or grandchildren are keeping you up at night?  It’s gonna be OK because God’s got this!


So trust God and rest in His grace and power.  He’s still in control.


With love from my heart to yours,


Bev Watkins, Nashville, TN
