That's Why We Pray

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God”. Phillipians 4:6

I don’t know about you, but I need to be reminded of this more often than I should. Many times I run ahead and rely on myself to accomplish the numerous tasks I plan and worry about. I forget prayer, my communion with God, should be my strength, peace, and joy.

I was recently reminded of this by a text I received from my sister. She was telling me of the struggles her grown children were facing. She was asking for prayers in a group text to our siblings. She simply said, “they need Mama Joed”. We all immediately knew what she meant. Our mom, Joanne, was our prayer warrior. (“Mama Jo”, to her grandkids, and actually to many others). We somehow felt she had a direct line to God like know one else we knew. Her steadfast strength, peace, and knowledge of God’s will for her gave us a measure of strength and peace just by knowing she prayed for us and our families.

Even at the age of 62, I am still striving to have a better connection with God. If you are like me, and as preacher’s wives we have similar struggles, I get too busy with the many tasks at hand. We must continue to rely on God for our strength and peace at ALL times. I think of my mom almost every day even though she has been gone for four years this month. I like to think she is talking to God in person now. What a wonderful thought. Maybe she is still talking to him about her family and the many others she prayed for.

While we are here on earth, let’s continue to improve our communion with God by prayer. We can gain strength and peace!

Susan Monan, Little Rock, Arkansas
