Oh God, sometimes we find ourselves depleted. We’ve used our energy and personal resources until we are spent. We find it hard to stop and to be replenished. But you, Lord, you know our capacity and our needs.
We come tired. We weren’t meant to run until we fall over. You designed rest for us. From the beginning, you modeled a day of rest. The old covenant included a sabbath rest each week. Jesus reminded his apostles to come apart and rest awhile. Have we forgotten how?? Lord, make us lie down! Remind us. Be gentle with our frantic ways; but help us find your rest. The calm. We long to be still and know that you are God, Psalm 46:10.
We come hungry. We see the hunger-needs of those around us. Day in and day out we make sure that our families have meals. Meanwhile, you see our own need for your food, spiritual nourishment. You provided manna in the wilderness… Jesus fed thousands in the wilderness… Help us see the green pastures that you have already provided. Soul-replenishment is found in your written word! Jeremiah 15:16. Remind us to eat, to take it in. We need inner strength from you.
We come parched. The heat of exertion comes upon us, and our souls thirst. Water from a rock? That was no problem for you. Living water to a woman’s soul? You gave it. Jesus thirsted on the cross. He understands. Heaven flows with waters of life, Revelation 22. You, you are the source of our refreshment! You fill up the dry places. You are ever near, to provide assurance and peace we so desperately need, Philippians 4:7. Help us connect with you in prayer today to refill! And tomorrow. And the next day.
Amazing God, in you is everything that refreshes, refills and restores us. So now, we stop to thank you. Thank you! Thank you. We are marvel at your care of us. You are so good! We are so grateful. You are The Replenisher of our souls.
Psalm 23:2-3a
Cherie Vestal, Midland, TX