Being Interruptible

Ministry often calls for schedules, plans, and goals. Yet, one of the most beautiful parts of serving others is meeting people where they are, usually at the most inconvenient times. Being interruptible means allowing God to work through the unexpected, even when it feels disruptive.

Jesus was often interrupted. Some examples are, a woman touching His robe, children coming to Him, or a blind man crying out for help. Instead of seeing these moments as obstacles, He saw them as opportunities to show love and grace. Your willingness to pause and be present can lead to transformative encounters.
While preparation is essential, hold your schedule with open opportunities. Pray for discernment to recognize which interruptions are worth stepping into and which can be gently redirected. Trust that God will guide your time.
It’s okay if things don’t go as planned. Let go of the pressure to “do it all” perfectly. The moments of connection that come from being interruptible often outweigh the satisfaction of a perfectly checked-off to-do list.
Being interruptible doesn't mean overextending yourself. Acknowledge your limits and trust God to fill in the gaps. Rest in His strength, not your own.

When you embrace interruptions as part of your calling, you reflect Christ’s heart for people. Stay open to the Spirit’s leading, and let those unexpected moments remind you that God is at work—sometimes in ways you never planned.

By Kristin Sampson,
