

Sometimes it seems, no doubt, to these Your men, that ministry is so much. It consumes so much. We get distracted because the todo list never seems done, the dragons never seem to all get conquered, the study always still has more to go, the demands seem to never be quieted. Bless Father, these Your men with focus on the important and with peace on every other matter. Help them not to be consumed with worries over matters beyond their control. Help them to know when and how to stand up and speak up on a matter and when and how to avoid those things they should not speak too. Help them to grow in trust. Help them to speak in love. Help them to prepare with passion. Help them to encourage those who are struggling in spirit. Help them to present with conviction. Yes, Father, it is much, but it is not more than You can help them handle.Yes, Father, the task is big, but it is not more massive than Your presence and power. May these not feel consumed but find refreshment that they get to so serve You. Bless them in every good way with just those things most suited to aid them in their own walk with You.

In Jesus Name, 

