A Prayer For Preparation

Loving Father,

We know that these men who have dedicated their lives to the proclamation of Your Word have prepared themselves well for the preaching moment. They have spent hours and hours poring over the message they will deliver. These men of God have researched, read, and written carefully what they will present. They have bathed their study in prayer. May they rest in the assurance that You will bless their efforts.

Dear God, as we consider what will take place on Sunday, there is one more area of preparation that each of us who preach need to make. Help us in our great desire to be prepared to preach, not to forget to prepare ourselves for worship. Help us to remember that we also must prepare to worship You with all of our heart, mind, and soul. May we be prepared not just for the preaching task, but may we be fully prepared to join our brothers and sisters in a time of worship that will bring glory to Your Marvelous Name.

In the Name of our Savior we Pray, Amen.
