A Prayer for Heaven


Our Father who is in Heaven:

Many of us who preach are thankful for this land we live in. We thank You for the freedoms we enjoy. We thank You for the prosperity that allows us to do good. We thank You for days when individuals from this country have sacrificed for the freedom of others in oppressed lands. We thank You for a land where our own freedoms have allowed us to preach Your Words without fear. May the concerns of the present remind us that here is not THERE and that this world is not our forever Home. That this is not heaven. But Father as we preach and teach tomorrow may we be reminded that as we are among Your People we should experience a taste of heaven. As we praise and as we fellowship within we remember that within that Fellowship is to be different than outside of that fellowship. Father, help us to do what we can within Your Kingdom to foster an atmosphere that is more LIKE heaven than NOT like heaven. Thank You for this special place, Your church where we can so experience a bit of heaven now. May our words heighten the anticipation for Heaven. 

In Jesus Name,

