A Prayer of Concern

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Dear Loving Father in Heaven,

We confess to You that during our weaker moments, we are deeply concerned. Many of us are concerned with what is happening around the world, in our country, in our communities, and in our families. But most of all, dear God, we are concerned with what we see in some of Your people.  

We pray that Your Church will quit acting like the world, quit taking our cues from the world, and quit living like the world. We pray that Your people can rise above the chaos and confusion of the world.

Tonight, dear Father, we pray particularly for Your preachers around the world. Please help us to tell the Church and show the Church by our life that there is a better way. Help us tomorrow when we preach your Word, to offer a word of hope, a word of peace, and a word of comfort.

As concerned as we are, we believe in You, in Your Son, and in Your Spirit. We believe that on a hill called Mount Calvary, that Jesus paid the cost so that we might have a better way to live so that we might have peace, and so that we might have hope. In His precious, wonderful Name, we pray, Amen.

