For Your Purpose

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As these Your men prepare their hearts, their words, their desires, their souls, and their emotions, to deliver Your Word; as they steady themselves for the good or ill of the day, may they ever remember that they serve a grand purpose and a grander God! May they remember that there is meaning in their message greater than the moment they deliver it. They will deliver words that will lodge deeply in the hearts of some of these who listen. Some elderly saint will steel themself for heaven and the glory ahead. Some wandering soul will be pulled back closer to Thee. Some young mind will for the rest of their lives remember and re-quote some line that shields them from the evil one. May they, Father, remember this is bigger than whatever would discourage or dissuade them, that our purpose is You, and our Will is Your Will, and our word is Your Word, and our impact is from our association with You. May we love with at least a shadow of Your love. Bless these Your men and thank You for loving and equipping them for a great purpose.

Because of Jesus and in His Name,

