A Prayer of Thanks

Dear Father in Heaven,

More often than not, we fail to express our deep gratitude to you for everything You are to us and everything You are for us. We give You thanks for allowing us to be Your preachers. We thank You for making it possible for us to have the tools, resources, and talent to proclaim Your Word. Father, we thank You for choosing to use us as Your vessels to share the Good News. Thank You, Dear God, for Your life-giving Word, which we are blessed to preach. We express our deep gratitude that You continually open doors of opportunity for Your Word to go forth.

We pray that You will use us to be Your instruments of peace, hope, and love to a world that has lost its way. May we never forget how blessed we are to be able to preach Your Word in Your world, to Your people. Thank You for every man who will attempt to share the Gospel on Sunday. Thank You for their hearts, their commitment, their love for people, and most of all their faithfulness to You.

In the Name of Jesus, we give thanks, Amen.
