Father, We Adore You

Father, we love You; we worship and adore You. Dear God, it is so easy in our world to lose our focus. It is so easy for us to become distracted by the news, by politics, by our personal plans, problems, and desires. We pray for strength to be able to overcome these distractions. We know that Your men are busy, often to the point of feeling overworked and exhausted. 

We pray, Dear Lord, that in the middle of the rush of life, we can focus on You. We pray that the men who will proclaim Your Word on Sunday will be able to block out the distractions that would bring them pain and that we can rest in adoration and praise to You. We pray that You will allow peace to fill their heart as they help lead those who come to worship You. We pray that Your Name will be Glorified in all the earth through our worship. In Jesus Name, we pray, Amen.
