2019 Internships
We are just going to post these as they came to us with virtually no editing. Please share these with any potential intern.
The Ellijay church of Christ in the North Georgia mountains is seeking a youth intern for the summer of 2019. The Ellijay church is a congregation with an average attendance of 250 on Sunday mornings with a very active youth program. The youth intern would be paid and work in conjunction with two full-time ministers, six elders, and three youth-specific deacons. For more information, please contact Jeremy Green by email at jeremy@ellijaychurchofchrist.org or at the church office at (706) 635-2950.
NC: The Cary Church of Christ, located in Cary, North Carolina is seeking a minister summer intern for the summer of 2019 to work alongside our elders, deacons and minister to gain valuable experience in the area of ministry and located work. This is a paid internship for a Bible major who desires to be a minister upon graduating from college or preaching school. The congregation in Cary began meeting in 1970 with just 10 families and has since grown to an average attendance of 400. The Cary Church of Christ is a diverse, loving congregation of the Lord’s people who strive to shine their lights in this community and abroad. If you interested please email your resume tominister@carycoc.org.
FL: Tim Spivy: timfromhs@gmail.com, High Springs church of Christ, High Springs, FL) is accepting resumes for a summer youth minister intern for the summer of 2019. The YM will be responsible for organizing and facilitating activities for our youth and should include devotionals, Bible camp (Florida Bible Camp), helping with VBS, and other fellowship and fun-time activities. The YM will work with the minister and under the oversight of the elders. All interested candidates should send resumes to timfromhs@gmail.com.
MO: The Church of Christ at Mt Vernon, MO is interested in having a youth intern for the summer of 2019. Please contact Ralph McClurg at rmcclurg03@gmail.com
North Highlands church Ministry Internship Responsibilities will include assisting with youth activities, VBS, summer series, community outreach and service projects. Contact: Trae Durden traedurden@att.net (205) 394-2244
TX: Michael Williams, Nederland Texas We are looking for a male intern to work an 11-12 week (flexible) summer internship with our church body. We do not have a full time youth minister but you will be working closely with the Youth Deacon and minister in coordinating activities and reporting on concluded activities. Intern will be paid $400 a week and housing will be provided by the church.
The candidate will be responsible for (generally speaking-list is not “all inclusive”):
-Teaching a Sunday morning combined middle school/high school Bible class.
-Teaching a Wednesday night Bible class.
-Coordinating the summer youth devotional schedule.
-Planning a possible summer youth retreat.
-Leading in some Wednesday night devotional times (for the whole church body). Also some preaching if the candidate is interested.
-Family game nights (and other activities that may foster family activity and spiritual growth)
-Smaller (informal) activities which will help build closer relationships with students.
-Foster communication with area-wide congregations (area-wide youth summer series).
-Other great ideas you may bring to the table!
The minister has over 12 years of experience in youth ministry. This would be a great opportunity for you to be able to infuse your own ideas and implement them. Also you would be able to get insight/feedback from someone else with youth ministry experience on staff (the minister). Please contact me if you would like to set up a Skype interview Michael Williams (Minister), brookemichael@gmail.com, 409-527-2560
AL: Pleasant Valley church of Christ will be looking for a summer Ministry Intern. The congregation is located in Killen, AL (10 minutes east of Florence, 45 minutes west of Madison). The congregation has 5 Elders, 12 Deacons, 1 full-time preacher (Austin Johnson), and 165 members. The job description includes teaching different classes to varying age groups, preaching at least twice on Sunday throughout the summer, attending/leading: youth devotionals, summer youth series, singing nights in the Shoals area, VBS, Summer Mission Trip (overseas, specifics TBD), and daily responsibilities of study, planning, and visitation. All of these responsibilities are coordinated with Austin as the intern will work alongside and with him. If interested in more information, view the website at pvcofc.com, email Austin: jnitsua8710@gmail.com, or text/call him at: (256) 627-9255.
IL: Patrick Odum, Northwest Church of Christ
As our summer intern, your primary focus would be to win teens in grades 6-12 to Christ, connect them with other Christians, and to help them grow in their faith. You would serve, lead, teach, mentor, and encourage our teens in their walk with God in the context of service projects, activities, classes, and just hanging out. We’re confident that God will use the student we select to create something in our teens that will last long after the summer is over.
The ministry intern will be supervised by the ministers. Specific responsibilities include:
Teaching or co-teaching at least one, and preferably two, teen Bible classes per week.
Preparation for and leadership in Vacation Bible School.
Coordinating and leading service opportunities.
Planning and leading outreach efforts, retreats, devotionals, etc.
Bible studies, prayer, and informal counseling as needed.
Because we are a small congregation and our ministers do not specialize, other opportunities for ministry will likely include:
Leading in worship (singing, prayer, etc.)
Preaching on occasion
Working in our food pantry, nursing home ministry, etc.
Hospital visitation
When not involved in ministry-related activities, our intern maintains daily office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. The day typically begins with a devotional. Office hours are used for planning, coordination with adult youth volunteers, class and activity preparation, and administrative duties. The intern will be provided with office space, phone, computer, and other necessary equipment. Normal days off will be Monday and Saturday when youth functions are not scheduled for those days. Other time off will be addressed as necessary.
Interns will receive a salary of $250-$300 a week.
Meals will be provided.
All ministry - related expenses will be paid or reimbursed.
Housing will be provided.
It will be very helpful for the intern to have his own vehicle. (Gas will be reimbursed.)
Applications should be professional, typed, and include a resume and other appropriate supporting data.
Applications and questions may be directed to p.d.odum@gmail.com. Website: www.northwestchurchofchristchicago.org
TN: We will be looking for a summer intern to work with your youth group. if you can add to your list. Sycamore Church of Christ Cookeville, TN Youth Minister - Kevin Daughrity, contact - (931) 261-4889
Congregation size of 450. Youth Group of 40 or so.
Start around May 20 - End around August 5.
During the internship there will be 1 week of church camp, 1 week of camp at Faulkner University (Inspire) and mission trip to Baja, Mexico (optional)
Any interested can get in touch with Kevin directly.
KY: Southside Church of Christ, Hopkinsville
Expectations: Teach teen Bible classes, organize youth events, work alongside current minister(s) in other areas, preach 2-3 times, possible opportunity to participate in a mission trip to Costa Rica.
Compensation: $4,000 for 10 weeks (11 Sundays), plus housing (most likely with a church family).
Contact Info.: Send resume & references to pbc23@yahoo.com; if you'd like more information, call (270) 885-8392, and ask for the preacher, Bryan Dill
During the Freed-Hardeman Lectureships they will host congregations interviewing for interns. To learn more about that contact Kay Pack kpack@fhu.edu.
Finally The Jon & Paul Show podcast will do some of this work too.