Don't Wait.

Maybe you did it again today, maybe even more than once today. How many times as preachers do we encourage people to made needed changes in their life? How often do we encourage them to make sure they don’t procrastinate when it comes to life-changing decisions? How many times have we said to our people, like Paul said to Agrippa, “Don’t wait for a more convenient time?”


Maybe you are like me, and you need to put your own words into practice. Maybe we need to model what we preach. Maybe we need to make sure we are doing what we preach long and loud to our people that they should do. So, I say to all of us, don’t wait.


Don’t wait to remind your wife that if you were starting all over, she would be the one, again.


Don’t wait to tell your children, whether they are young or gone from home how much you love them and how thankful you are that God gave them to you.


Don’t wait to make that phone call, to send that note, or to make that visit to someone who is lonely; someone who needs a word of encouragement.


Don’t wait to let your elders (yes, those men who you sometimes disagree with and wonder how they feel about you), know how much you appreciate the sacrifices they make to shepherd the people of God.


Don’t wait to preach that sermon that desperately needs to be delivered, to write that article that needs to be written, or to lovingly help restore that child of God who has turned away from Him.


Don’t wait to try to instill in some young man the desire to be a preacher, elder, worker in the Kingdom for the rest of their life.


Don’t wait!

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