it's Time...
I’m not sure what it is for you but I’ve determined that for most of us there is something that derails us, causes us to check out of the game, to sit on the sidelines - to forget our purpose to be distracted from our Master to be discouraged from our mission. It may be moment - you were fired, your motive was questioned, your work ethic, your abilities and the wind was taken out of your sail. It may be a person - they intimidate you, they’ve bullied you with threats of being fired, they know something about you that you’ve corrected but if they went public it could still hurt your influence. It may be a struggle - you lack confidence, your ashamed of how you look, you have lost your energy, you don’t feel comfortable talking with people, you aren’t sure where to begin. It may be a burden - a sin that besets, a spouse that doesn’t support, a handicap that beleaguers you. We understand.
So you go to bed determined that tomorrow will be different. You wake up with an agenda in your head. You’ll start after lunch, a little later, maybe tomorrow. We understand.
May I challenge you to do what you preach - lay your thing at the feet of a loving, forgiving, patient, gracious, Lord and truth in Him. Go back remember your dreams of what got you in the Lord’s service. Make your step-by-step list of what you would-do-if and begin. One step at a time. Make that call, visit that person, initiate that study, plan that work, begin that book, attempt that great thing you would-do-if. And trust! It’s time to begin again. God is on your side in doing His Will - now let’s do it. He understands!
“casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
“Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it” (Psalm 37:5).
“Commit your works to the LORD And your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3).