What A Time to Be in Ministry
It’s certainly different. I’m not really even sure what my schedule is, there are more cancellations of things both spiritual and secular than we’ve ever seen. There are more out of the norm opportunities for ministry than I have ever seen. It takes putting yourself out there, and being a little creative, but what a time to be in ministry.
Think about it. You GET to live now. You GET to serve in this crazy time. You GET to make these memories. You GET to share the Old Old Story of Jesus and His Love, now. You GET to make history! What a time to be in ministry.
People will never forget what we do now and doors for God and the Gospel will be opened. What a time to be in ministry.
I think this “pause” has called me to realize even more than ever before that the work we do matters. People are hurting, people are feeling isolated, people are confused, people are fearful, people are anxious. One might think that meeting as we are now could convince people that these times are not as important, that the work we do can be done without since it seems to be being done without. The reality is, at this particularly odd and different moment in time, the glorious, sanctified, hope-producing, eternity-touching, joy-filled, Christ-centered, forward-thinking, belief-based, loving work you do does matter greatly. What a time to be in ministry!
You are needed and will be needed. That is always true and will remain true until He comes. But perhaps this time is allowing you a glimpse of the significance of it. So, get in people’s lives. Impact them. Give them that Gospel Hope. Be creative in your approach. And, “make full proof of your ministry.” Don’t quit, you are needed now as much, as ever, and as always! What a time to be in ministry!
Thank you for being such a blessing. My, are we ever blessed!