Brothers in the Kingdom

It should lift our spirits to know that we are not alone. When there is a death, a loss of job, a divorce, a health concern, a torn relationship, or even a sin that divides, it brings peace to know that we are not alone.

Not only do we have the promise that the Lord is with us, but we also have the knowledge that there are fellow workers who walk with us.

In his opening statement in the Book of Revelation, John reminds us that we are fellow participants “in the tribulation, and kingdom, and perseverance in Jesus.” (Revelation 1:9) Don’t you love how he mentions that this is in Christ?

The point is, if we are in Christ, we will have tribulation, we are part of the kingdom, and we can remain strong or persevere. This is true because Christ is with us and so are our fellow workers. We will be able to persevere because of Christ and one another.

No matter what you are dealing with in your life or ministry right now, please don’t forget that Jesus is with you and there are other preachers who have at least some level of understanding.

We can cast all of our anxieties on Him and we can allow others to help us bear the burdens of our life. Please don’t try to bear your burdens alone. Please allow some fellow workers to walk with you. There is nothing at all wrong with our allowing others to help us. It will help us endure and remain strong so that we can continue our ministry for the Lord.

May God bless you, dear brothers, as you continue your journey, and may He strengthen your heart through those around you. We give thanks to Him for each one of you and pray that your life will be enriched through Him!
