

Ancillary: | ˈansəˌlerē | adjective
- providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system.

I charted a day not too long ago. I imagine you’ve had them almost identical to this:

I’m a preacher and minister. My primary responsibility is to God, my vocation involves ministering as much as allowed to the members of the Spring Meadows Church of Christ. Today was like many days. Woke up before the sun, prayed, wrote a few hundred words on a book for ministers, walked/jogged 4 miles, answered some emails, then I visited an old friend in an assisted living center in Green Hills. From there I made a stop at the hospital to visit the mom of a friend who preaches away from the 615. Next stop was some work with the Jerry Elder on packing and preparing for Spring Meadows annual mission trip where we will teach people in a third world country, and finally finished the day up at an awards ceremony recognizing the best of Spring Hill. I spent the day ministering. I was in and out of working with people who are members at Spring Meadows, but most of it was ancillary work. Important and necessary, even running parallel to the primary work I am “paid” to do. As an employee we have a responsibility to those for/with whom we work, but much of what we do will never be seen or known by them.

Ancillary. Not the primary thing. Not what you thought you were signing up for. Not in the limelight. But necessary. It might be frustrating. It may seem like busywork, overlooked by many, but not by the one who needed you. Not noticed by most, but seen by God. You are a servant. We thank God for the ancillary work that you do.
