Dear Preacher

Dear Preacher:

I want you to know that I love you. I am thankful beyond words for how you are investing and what you have invested your life in. You bless more lives than you ever know. I imagine there will be people in heaven because of the words you have spoken and the life you are living. I pray for you often and hurt when you are mistreated. I love you.

This is a special week in my life. I am at my favorite of events. It is a lectureship. And I do love some of the lectures, but that is not why it is my favorite. It is my favorite of all events because I get to see thousands of those who have invested their lives into ministry. I get to see Family. It is a time of rejoicing when my heart is filled with love for those who, like you, love the Lord.

May I beg you that you do all in your power to identify some people who love you and who you can be with and be yourself, and be relaxed and just enjoy. We need people in our lives who call us into account, we need people who challenge us to be our best, we need people who might discipline us when we make mistakes - but for the sake of your spirit and soul, for the sake of your longevity you need some folks with whom you can let your hair down and laugh and cry and love and feel loved by. For me it is fellow preachers. I hope you’ll have a few of those in your life. But, please find some folks for you mental health and the longevity of your work who fill your heart, who refresh your soul, who after you leave them you sigh a warm sigh and think “I just love them.”

I love you. And I pray you’ll find those people in your life.
