Preachers Can Worry Too

Am I making any difference?

How will the congregation do if I move?

Am I connecting with the listeners?

Are my lessons deep enough?

Are my lessons too deep?

Am I going to be fired?

Is there more we can do?

Will we have an eldership in the future?

Who will my elders be?

Am I neglecting my family?

Is my wife being cared for as best I can?

Should I speak up more often?

Should I learn to not always speak up?

How am I going to afford to send my kids to college?

Have I done enough?

Should I step aside?

Of course the list could go on and on. 

We worry that we worry. 

Some people believe a preacher has a perfect life, but those of us know “do it” know that is far from true. We know we struggle. We know worry can creep into our lives. We know it can strangle our voices, and slow our reaction time. We know. We know we aren’t supposed to worry. 

May I lovingly suggest today for US to remember the peace we preach is for US too. The care that we tell others God has for THEM, He has for US too. 

Jesus said we need not worry because God has us in His care (Matthew 6:25-35). Paul said to not be anxious but to approach potential worries with prayer (Philippians 4:6). As you pray for others, pray for your own peace as well.

“Cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). He cares for you. Carry that in your soul this day. HE cares for YOU. 
