The Lord Stood With Me

One of the greatest men of God who ever lived, our brother, Paul felt at some point in his work that he was all alone. Near the end of his life, while remembering his years of serving the Lord, he said, " At my first defense, no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished…” (2 Timothy 4:16-17). While he lamented the fact that he felt as though all men had forsaken him, he rejoiced in the fact that the Lord not only stood by him but that the Lord also strengthened him.

It is noteworthy that Paul did not say that the Lord strengthened him so that he would somehow receive more praise from men or that he might be recognized by men but that the Lord strengthened him so that the proclamation of the Gospel would be fully accomplished!

There will be times in our ministry that we may feel all alone, we may feel isolated, and we may feel that everyone on earth has forsaken us. It is my belief that it will be a rare moment if that happens. However, what we can know for certain is that our Lord will never forsake us. He will always be with us.

We can cast all our cares on Him. When we are weary and feel burdened by life and its struggles, He invites us to come to Him to receive rest. He will always serve as our Advocate with the Father. He never forgets us, and by His grace, we can be made strong. May God bless you with peace even in the moments when you feel alone, and may He bless you with the assurance that you have a loving Savior who walks with you.
