Bucket Filler

In the “Bucket Filler” book series, the author uses the idea of “filling buckets” as a way of demonstrating intentionality in encouraging and building others up. I love that this series gives kids practical ways of how to positively impact the daily lives of others by being a “bucket filler” rather than a “bucket dipper’.Today, however, I want to talk to those of us that may feel our own buckets are empty.


I recently had a conversation with a friend who is going through a life-altering situation. She has intensely poured into others in an acute situation and as I listened to her broken voice over the phone, these words (or something similar) spilled out from my lips, ”I am glad you are putting a voice to your frustration/anger- that is healthy. You should not feel guilty for taking time to step back from this situation. You need to be able to process what is going on. You cannot continue to fill others pitchers when your own is empty.” I am thankful that God gives us wisdom to speak in moments where without His spirit, we would not know what to say. This was a message I knew my friend needed to hear, as she began to release her emotions through tears.


But this is also a message I need to be reminded of; and maybe you do as well.

I want to ask you if your bucket/pitcher/or other metaphoricalcontainer is empty. If it is, take some time to re-fuel. Not superficial “self-care” as the world promotes, but re-fueling through the avenues that God has given us- CRY OUT to Him in prayer, DIVE DEEPLY into His word, CONNECT with a sister who can pour into you. Let’s follow Jesus’ example as He took time for Himself; seeking rest and solitude after learning of John’s death, or after intensive ministry of healing, teaching and performing miracles in Matthew 14:13, Mark 1:35; 6:32, Luke 4:42.

It is after being re-filled that God will use you to fill someone else who is in need. Wherever you are today- whether filling or being re-filled, I pray you remember (or can help someone else remember) that whatever challenging time you are facing, God is already at the conclusion of this situation. I pray you can hold to His hand as He leads you to where He already is.

Kristi Burleson, kburleson@fhu.edu
