God Is All About Life

God Is All About Life

Recently we went with family to the Big Island of Hawaii. It's a beautiful island full of lush flowers, trees, grasses and beautiful birds. You are surrounded by beauty and amazing landscapes. It's so easy to sit in wonder of God's creation and feel at ease with life.  On the other side of the island are the volcanoes. There are six volcanoes on the Big Island. Four are still active.  Kilauea has been erupting since the 1980s. It was just smoking when we were there but the devastation from previous eruptions is evident for miles. Black lava covers everything. It destroys everything in its path. Houses, plants, trees, wildlife and even human life. It is no respecter of anything. Yet, you see a crack in the surface, not a large crack, and there is a small beautiful, flowering plant pushing through the lava flow. God has a way of bringing life out of devastation.  

When we feel that life is too hard, or success is impossible, God finds the small cracks and gives life. "With man it is impossible, but not with God.  For all things are possible with God" (Mark 10:27).  

God is all about life. Jesus  said "I have come that they may have life" (John 10:10). So never give up and never lose heart. God wants you to have an abundant life, and He can make it happen.

With love from my heart to yours,


