You're Doing a Great Job

You’re doing a great job….

Simple words everyone longs to hear from time to time. We don’t want to be boastful. We don’t want to be center of attention. But, from time to time it’s nice to know others recognize the work we are doing. If these simple words are some that you long to hear from time to time….let me ask…when is the last time you spoke those words to another? Even more, when is the last time you spoke those words to another minister wife? I would venture to say most of us are pretty good at encouraging our husbands. Most of us are good at encouraging others in our congregations. What about the other women who are doing the same work as us in other places? What about the women who we know need it most?

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

We all know that we have those days that are hard. There are days you may feel unseen or unappreciated. First, know that you are seen and very much appreciated! Even if it’s not said, God sees the work you are doing alongside your husband, and He is proud of you and your heart. 

Let me encourage you to encourage others. Make a list of the minister wives you know and have contact for. Go through your list and each week, encourage one of those women. Don’t do it to be encouraged back. Do it because the Lord’s work can be hard and lonely. Do it because you want others to know they are seen and loved. After you encourage them, pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the work He has called you to. 

“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV

Be thankful for your work. Be thankful for other women who work alongside you in other areas. Be thankful for our God in Heaven who sees it all and loves you so. Encourage one another, and your heart will be filled with thanksgiving….and if you haven’t heard it today, you are doing a great work in your local ministry, and I am proud to work alongside you.

Kadee Jenkins

Nashville, TN
