A Prayer to The God Who Knows Us

Dear Loving Father,

We praise You for Your infinite knowledge. We are thankful that You know us better than we know ourselves. You know all about our pains, our anxieties, our fears, and You know us in our weakest moments. You know when we are grieving, when we are hurting, when we are tired, when we are being attacked by the tempter, and when we are worried about the future. Father, we are thankful that You love us anyway.

Dear God, would you please give a special measure of Your strength, Your comfort, Your love, and Your grace to any of Your preachers who need You today. Please use Your people to surround these men with understanding, with support, and with grace. As they prepare to proclaim Your Word, please rest their souls, strengthen their minds, and guard their hearts.

In the Name of our Precious Savior we pray, Amen.


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