Preach Jesus
Preach Jesus
Dear Father in Heaven,
In a time of chaos and confusion, in a world of crime and killing, in a season of uncertainty and insecurity, we desperately need to be reminded that Jesus is still the answer. Father, we pray that You will give Your preachers clarity, peace in their hearts, and assurance that the message we proclaim is what people need most. Help Your men to feel the presence of Jesus in their lives and help all of us who speak Your Word today to know that everyone who hears Your Message needs to know that Jesus is the answer. Help us to preach Jesus, to hold Him up, to hide behind His Cross, and to model our Savior with our lives. We thank You, dear God for allowing us to know Him and for allowing us to proclaim Him. In the Name of our Savior who makes all things new and who makes our lives better, we Pray, Amen.