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Thanks to all who have been completed the survey the response was tremendous and the statisticians we are working with says that the percentage of respondents will give it a “high-level confidence.” If you have not taken it there is still time before we begin assessing the data. Go to: http://bit.ly/MinSalSur

OK, let’s get scooping:

GA: Let’s stay in Georgia for our second scoop. The Thomaston Road Church of Christ in Macon (www.trcoc.church), is looking for an experienced full-time pulpit minister. Their attendance is running about 225. Their minister is retiring after 25 years. Here are their comments: "Applicants should have a minimum of 5 years experience as a pulpit minister, a good speaker, and Bible teacher, and relate well with all ages.” Send resumes and links to online sermons to Tim Fletcher tim.fletcher58@gmail.com. Or mail to Pulpit Minister Search Committee, Thomaston Road Church of Christ, 5859 Thomaston Rd. Macon GA 31220

TX: For our third scoop let’s move west of the Mississippi. The Deer Park congregation is seeking a full-time pulpit minister. He will be expected to be evangelistic and handle office administrative duties for a staff of that includes a Secretary and Youth Minister.  Deer Park is southeast of Houston. They have five elders, six deacons and an average attendance of 85.  Here is what they say: “The applicant must be married and have full time preaching experience, able to relate to all age groups and be outreach focused to help grow the congregation.” Send resumes, references and videos of sermons to: dpchurch.office@sbcglobal.net

AL: Let’s slide over to Alabama and notice that the Florence Boulevard church in Florence has hired Austin Johnson to be their new preacher. Austin has been at Pleasant Valley in that same area 

TN: Now, we’ll move back to Tennessee and note that our friend Houston Bynum, who is the administrator of HAPPY HAVEN, reports they they have an opening for houseparents. The Christian home for girls is in Cookeville. This opening will be available in 3-6 months. You can find applications at:

http://www.happyhaven.org/documents/EmploymentApplication.pdf. Contact him at 931-526-2052 or hhbynum@yahoo.com

TN: We’ll hang around Tennessee for the next one too. The Walnut Grove church in Livingston is looking for a preacher. Their preacher Bobby Gore has retired after many years there. Here is the number we found for them: (931) 823-1911

KY: Up in the Commonwealth the Bluff Springs Church of Christ in Hopkinsville is searching for a minister. Their attendance is between 20-30.   They “need and want to grow.” They provide a house for the minister but he is responsible for all utilities and insurance.  The present minister teaches a Bible class on Sunday morning, preaches a sermon for Sunday morning and evening services, and teaches Bible class on Wednesday night.  If interested, please send your resume and an audible copy of one of your sermons to:  John Henderson 4845 Greenville Road, Hopkinsville, KY 42240.  Contact John Henderson at johnlhenders@aol.com

AL: Chase Park church is in Huntsville. They are growing and are seeking a full-time youth minister who will “serve, teach, lead, mentor and motivate the youth of all ages in the congregation in their walk with God. Required qualifications include a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Bible and demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills.” Learn more at https://recruit.zohopublic.com/recruit/Portal.na?digest=89YnASVMN.5SPUVgUgfVyXGAUnkE7bVo.a85bxdBEmQ-&iframe=false&mode=home&embedsource=CareerSite

TN: The Kingston church getting over into east Tennessee is “looking for a sincere Christian man” to be their preacher. “The ideal candidate will be married with children, 3-5 of preaching and ministry experience. Bible degree is preferred but not required.” To apply send resume, references, and sermon audio/video files or links to Shawn at info@kingstoncoc.com 

TN: Just up the road from us Nathan Ferguson has resigned as the Youth Minister at the Millview church to pursue work in missions. Resumes should be sent to Tim Lloyd, Youth Deacon resumes@millviewcoc.org

TN: The Portland church has hired Shown Montandon to be their new preacher. He is moving there from Texas

TN: The Florence church in Murfreesboro is looking for a youth minister. Contact Jimmy Carver for more information, 615-893-8282, jcarver755@yahoo.com

TN/SC: Donnie Vick going to Rome in Lebanon. Donnie has been the preacher at the Edgewood congregation in Greenville

??: So, I got this scoop and they never told me where they were located. I wrote them back and asked and didn’t get a response. I spent more time trying to research it than I should have and unless one of you helps me, I’m going to say they are in Mount Carmel, IL and that this is their website: http://www.mccoc.org/. Here is what I do know. The average attendance is 145 in a community of about 7000. They have 4 Elders, 5 Deacons, a Youth minister, and a Children’s Minister.  Here is what they say: “We are longing that the brother we find will have experience and strength for the community as well as the ability to help lead the local body to a closer walk with the King.  To provide spiritual direction to strengthen the believers. To be a Godly example to all. To challenge and motivate for stronger faith and deeds. To assist and offer direction for the Education Program. To assist and offer direction to the youth program. Develop/Mentor and help us draw the family closer to Christ.” Send resume and a brief summary of your expectations to Terry Greenway terry.greenway@twc.com

TX: The Trenton church is looking for a preacher. I’ll just share what they say: “We are a sound, conservative congregation that meets in the town of Trenton, located north of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. We follow the pattern of New Testament worship without question. Our current minister is leaving on good terms. We are seeking a married man who is sound in the Scriptures and firmly planted in the truth. He should be a graduate of either a church of Christ related school of preaching or university. Responsibilities to be discussed with potential candidates. If you feel this is for you, please send your resume, references, and 2-3 sermon samples to missd@myrhinomail.comtrentoncofc@gmail.com or contact Frank Dockery 903 815-2897 

KY: Elizabethtown is looking for an associate. Learn more HERE.

That’s about it. As always send corrections, additions, etc to TJI@TheJenkinsInstitute.com

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