Hiring NOW: A Note for Elders/Church Leaders


Yeah we know, unprecedented, unchartered, figuring it out as you go…yada, yada, yada. Those things are all true BUT that doesn’t mean you use it as an excuse and sit the church in neutral during this important time to step it up instead of walking it back. And, don’t think we are being insensitive, YES is it more challenging, but there are some things that you can do to make this your best hire ever. In fact, this is an opportunity to really hire better than in the past. Here are a few suggestions for you that might at least give you some seed to plan your hire:

1. Be prayerful and patient: This is going to be different than anytime you have hired a minister before. Accept that reality.

2. Accept resumes (of course, after posting on The Scoop Blog :)). 

3. Listen to multiple sermons from multiple guys.

4. Check references! Ask the important question: “Is there something you know that you’d want me to ask about?” *

5. Do interviews via Zoom, GoToMeeting, or some other such vehicle. 

6. Determine how many candidates you want the church to hear.

7. Contact each candidate and have them send you a link to the three specific lessons (maybe two sermons and a class). Have all candidates send the links to the same Sundays. If they were not preaching that Sunday have them send a link to the Sunday before. Send those links to the congregation and invite them to give input as you desire. 

* For a list of potential questions and much more on hiring a preacher order copies of “Moving Well” my book to ministers and elders on hiring a preacher. For hardcopies: http://www.thejenkinsinstitute.com/shop/on-moving-well. Or, available for immediate digital download at: http://www.thejenkinsinstitute.com/shop/digital-on-moving-well.

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